CLEAR is pleased to have Professor Lesleyanne Hawthorne from the University of Melbourne as the keynote speaker for the Friday luncheon in Denver. Professor Hawthorne recently shared with CLEAR some information about her current research and a preview of her keynote address.
"The context of your conference is very timely because the world is experiencing unprecedented flows of people who are very highly skilled, often disproportionately skilled compared to domestic populations, and this shows no signs of abating. . . . We must find ways of making our system be receptive enough to the people arriving in high demand fields such as medicine, so we're using rather than wasting their skills, and the issue of regulation is absolutely core to this."
In her keynote, Professor Hawthorne will address recent changes to the Australian model which includes four pathways to licensure for international professionals trained in very diverse systems. She will share some of the challenges and the new efficiencies these regulatory options are creating.